Congratulations Shiv!
Shivsam Bady successfully completed his Masters Thesis:
“Persulfide metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana”
We wish him all the best!

Welcome Wasim!
Daniel Wasim Djamriani joined our group as a new PhD student. He will try to unveil how protein and amino acid metabolism affects plant performance under resource limitation and in response to abiotic stresses.

Welcome Lorna!
Lorna Egan-Andreou joined our group as our new secretary! Helping us manage the administrative part of science!

Shivsam Bady won a poster prize for his poster “Persulfide metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana” at the “3rd Plant and Human Sulfur Biology Meeting” SBio2024 in Pont-à-Mousson.

Welcome Nele!
Nele Passon joined our group as a new PhD student. She will elucidate the role of amino acid metabolism in resource allocation during stress and development in a collaborative project with AG Töpfer.

AG Hildebrandt joined the CRC TRR 341!
AG Hildebrandt is now part of TRR 341 "Plant Ecological Genetics ".
We are studying the adaptive potential of protein and amino acid metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana.

New Publication!
Cecile Angermann, Björn Heinemann, Jule Hansen, Nadine Töpfer, Hans-Peter Braun, and Tatjana M. Hildebrandt published the paper "Proteome reorganization and amino acid metabolism during germination and seedling establishment in Lupinus albus".

Congratulations, Adithya!
Adithya Acharya successfully completed his master thesis:
“The role of cysteine in plant-microbe interactions”
We wish you all the best for your future.